REMOIN is a company specialized in the design and construction of multi-effect stills for the production of distilled water for injectables (WFI), according to the requirements of all international Pharmacopoeias.

REMOIN’s multiple effect stills are indentified with the name M-REM and they can produce distilled water from a minimum of 100 lt/h to a maximum of 12.000 lt/h; anyhow, on demand, it is possible to supply distillers with a manufacturing capacity up to 20.000 lt/h.
The distiller is entirely built in stainless steel AISI 316L; all the inner surfaces in contact with the product have a roughness of Ra ≤ 0,4 μ, they are pickled and passivated according to ASTM 967 rules and, as optional, also the electropolishing can be requested. All the external surfaces are mirror polished/satined.

The Hydraulic plant is realized with pipelines made of s.s. AISI 316L according to the ASTM A 270 and ASME BPE rules.
All the connection welding between pipes and fittings will be TIG realized by orbital automatic procedure and a printed report of them will be released. As optional, also the Boroscopy can be asked. Gaskets are sanitary type made of Teflon.
Distillers are supported by a tubular structure made of stainless steel AISI 304, satined. For the control and the management of the production, the distiller is provided with an electrical board with PLC/PC and operator interface.
The operation is completely automatic and gives the following possibilities:

  • Sterilization of the plant after a long time of stop and before its new start;
  • Continuous control of the conductivity of the distilled water produced and automatic discharge in case of insufficient clearness;
  • Continuous control of the levels;
  • Operation according to a weekly program of all the requested phases.

The documentation supplied by REMOIN together with its plants, includes all the phases of development of the project up to the final Tests executed at the customer’s site, including all the necessary information for the validation of the plant (D.Q., I.Q., O.Q., P.Q., calibration of instruments and computer validation)

The distiller need the following connections:

  • Industrial steam, saturated, dry, from 3 to 8 bar
  • Purified feeding water, free from silica, chlorine, ammina and volatile substances.
  • Cooling water with hardness inferior to 5 °F, pressure at 2 bar.
  • Electrical power V400 Hz 50, triphase.
  • Dry compressed air, free from oil. Minimum pressure 6 bar.


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M-REM Multi Effect gallery

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16 October 2015



About Remoin

We realizes (ready for use) storage systems and distribution of distilled water, purified water, distribution circuits for clean steam, process piping, preparation rooms with automatic management of recipes (specifies for pharmaceutical and food industry), according to the recommended prescriptions by ISPE, FDA and cG.M.P..

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